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Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Work for Small or Medium Size Truck Company Instead of a Large One

Large companies in any industry are regarded as a better career choice. However, this article we will show you that is not always the case.

Back in the day, most people had similar career paths and ended up working for large companies in their fields of expertise. The industry, college degree, or social status didn’t affect this much, the trends were the same across the US.

For that reason, even young people today, who are pursuing their first job, are mostly applying for jobs in large corporations, since they are a symbol of stability, success, and wealth. If a company is a multi-billion dollar business, they definitely know what they are doing and pay their workers higher than the average, right? Well, not always. Sometimes, working conditions, treatment, and benefits your employer gives you are better in a small business than in a large corporation.

In this article, we will focus on the five main reasons why it is better to work for a small or a medium-size trucking company instead of a large one.

1) The Payment is NOT Better in Large Companies

Of course, every company has different salaries, benefits, bonuses, and policies, but here we want to talk about the biggest misconception in the industry — a larger company means a heftier paycheck.

Many truckers, including the experienced ones, believe that larger companies will provide them with more work, better pay per mile, steady and safe income. While there are great companies in the industry, large, medium, and small ones, on average, you will find better opportunities if you turn to small companies.

The reason behind this is simple — small companies need to offer better pay and benefits because they are trying to form quality and professional driver collective, and they are willing to pay more to get that.

Niki Express offers above-average salaries and great benefits for the company, lease, and owner-drivers. We are always transparent and welcoming new drivers into our family!

2) Small Companies Treat You Like a Real Person

Have you ever worked for a large carrier and felt alienated? Called base for help and having different people answering your calls? Nobody knew your name, and you were just a number, easily replaceable, with zero chances for getting a better deal or a salary in the future?

If the answer to all those questions is “yes”, welcome to the club. In many smaller companies, even the owner knows all drivers by name; you can easily reach out to him for any problem you might have.

Some companies, like Niki Express, even offer a dedicated dispatch service, so you will always hear the same familiar, friendly voice from the other side.

3) Flexibility and Room to Grow

Truck drivers who are working for a large company have minimal room to grow, and even more importantly, almost no room for special requests.

You are just another driver, like hundreds or even thousands of others, and if you are not willing to comply with all the terms and conditions of working for a large carrier, that’s ok, they will find somebody else who will.

Extended home time? Forget about it? A raise? Don’t be silly! If you are just another driver in the line, the company doesn’t have to make you happy, they will just offload you and find another person to fill your spot. Until that person becomes unhappy as well, and be replaced with another person, and so on. The cycle is never-ending because the pool of drivers available for them is almost endless.

Smaller companies need to be careful and stick with their best drivers. If you are one of the best drivers in the company, you will be able to request better conditions, and the company will likely comply.

In Niki Express, we highly value professionalism and productivity, so we offer a higher rate to company drivers who drive more than 3000 miles weekly!

4) Transparency

Medium and small truck companies are often more transparent than large ones. If you get a job from a large company, you will most likely sign a rigid contract, which is often hard to completely understand, with terms and conditions spanning over tens of pages. It is hard to go through all that and check all the conditions (although you should definitely do that!), and many people just skim through it and sign it. And then the problems begin.

Niki Express believes in transparency and sincerity when it comes to contract terms. Also, we share all the information about the haul with our drivers and stay with them every step of the way.

5) Creativity and Freedom

In a larger company, you are just a number and you follow instructions. Sometimes you will feel like you joined the navy or some other army branch because you will literally receive orders from the executives.

In a smaller company, even the owner is interested in exercising new ideas. They are always trying to find another way to grow, and it is beneficial for everyone who took part in that process.

Niki Express is fortunate to have seasoned veterans in our collective, but we will listen to anyone with fresh ideas, in a constant quest to grow faster and stay miles ahead of everyone!

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